Customer Testimonials

What sets Insul-Lite™ apart?

Our Quality Products, Competitive Pricing, and Supportive Staff!

We receive the best, friendly customer service when we deal with Insul-Lite™, from the office employees to the people who deliver the products! The small things that Insul-Lite™ does make a big impact for us: Chantha’s Merry Christmas message, the smile our delivery van driver always has when he comes to our office, and Sienna’s friendly emails set Insul-Lite™ apart!

Marc– Everlast Group

I love Insul-Lite’s™ customer service! I really like Chad too, he is very genuine. Also, I will never forget the time that I broke a sealed unit, I called it in after hours and a new one arrived before I even opened the next day. Top Notch Service!

Byron – CBE

We asked our customers, “What is the Single Biggest Advantage of Using Insul-Lite’s™ Products?” and these were their responses:

Insul-Lite’s™ products are made locally in Calgary. We receive excellent service and quality products. They are easy to deal with and have knowledgeable staff.

Don – Mountain Overhead Doors

Insul-Lite™ will deliver to our business and the glass arrives cleaner than it used to from other suppliers.

Willard – River City Woodworks

Insul-Lite™ provides outstanding quality and exceptional products for the harsh Canadian climate. From the frigid cold winters to the hot summers, their products keep the inside of your house comfortable! Not to mention keeping those dangerous UV rays from damaging or fading your furniture and floors.

Adam – HooDoo Glass

We asked our customers, “What Overall Value Does Insul-Lite™ Provide Your Business?” and these were their responses:

Our orders are done correctly and the delivery times are better than the industry standard all the time. If there is a problem, the staff is more than willing to correct it as soon as possible.

Kathryn – Central Alberta Glass

Insul-Lite™ provides good quality the first time!

Kris – Canmore Glass

Without Insul-Lite™, life would be more challenging.

Sheri – Active Glass Ltd.

We asked our customers, “What Problem Does Insul-Lite™ Solve for Your Business?” and these were their responses:

Emergencies! Insul-Lite™ solves the time issue when we have an emergency, when most other companies do not even try.

Elisa – Luxury Glass Ltd.

Whenever we have a problem we receive personal interaction and custom solutions from Insul-Lite™.

James – Precision Glassworks Ltd.

With Insul-Lite’s™ fast delivery times it helps my business and makes customers want to return to me. The quality is always good, so I don’t have to redo a job needlessly.

Stephen – Clear Concept Ltd.